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Italian Weather Terms

How do you talk about the weather in Italian?

We have shown an accent in words that are accented on the third from last syllable. Italian does not show these accent marks.

ària - air
baròmetro - barometer
bloccato dalla neve - snowbound
bollettino meteorològico - weather report
c'è sole - it's sunny
c'è nebbia - it's foggy
che tempo fa? - how's the weather?
clima - climate
com'è il tempo? - how's the weather?
coperto - overcast
coperto di neve - snowcapped
crepùscolo - dusk
disgelo - thaw
è afoso - it's muggy
è nuvoloso - it's cloudy
è sereno - it's clear
fa bel tempo - the weather is nice
fa brutto tempo - the weather is bad
fa caldo - it's hot
fa cattivo tempo - the weather is bad
fa freddo - it's cold
fa fresco - it's cool
fiocco di neve - snowflake
foschia - mist
gràndine - hail
gelo - frost
ghiaccio - ice
lampo - lightning
luna - moon
nebbia - fog
neve - snow
nèvica - it's snowing
nevischio - sleet
nùvola - cloud
nuvoloso - cloudy
pioggerella - drizzling (noun)
pioggia gelata - freezing rain
pioggia - (the) rain
piove - it's raining
piòvere - (to) rain
pupazzo di neve - snowman
punto di rugiada - dew point
precipitazione - precipitation
ràffica - gust
raffreddamento da vento - wind chill
rugiada - dew
schiarite - clearing, improvement
sole - sun
sparce - scattered
temperatura percepita - the temperature that it feels like (perceived temperature)
tempesta - storm
temporale - cloudburst
tira vento - it's windy
tormenta - blizzard
tramontana - northeast wind
tramonto - sunset
umidità relativa - relative humidity
vento australe - southwest wind

Italian weather terms. Talking about the weather in Italian.
Vocabulary for talking about the weather
aria air
barometro barometer
bloccato dalla neve snowbound
bollettino meteorologico weather report
c'e' il sole it's sunny
c'e' nebbia it's foggy
che tempo fa? how's the weather?
clima climate
com'e il tempo? how's the weather?
coperto di neve snowcapped
crepuscolo dusk
disgelo thaw
e' afoso it's muggy
e' nuvoloso it's cloudy
e' sereno it's clear
fa bel tempo the weather is nice
fa brutto tempo the weather is bad
fa caldo it's hot
fa cattivo tempo the weather is bad
fa freddo it's cold
fa fresco it's cool
fiocco di neve snowflake
foschia mist
grandine hail
gelo frost
ghiaccio ice
lampo lightning
luna moon
nebbia fog
neve snow
nevica it's snowing
nevischio sleet
nuvola cloud
nuvoloso cloudy
pioggerella drizzling (noun)
pioggia (the) rain
pioggia gelata freezing rain
piove it's raining
piovere (to) rain
pupazzo di neve - snowman
precipitazione precipitation
raffica gust
rugiada dew
schiarite clearing, improvement
sole sun
sparce scattered
tempesta storm
temporale cloudburst
tira vento it's windy
tormenta blizzard
tramontana northeast wind
vento australe southwest wind